Espirales. Revista multidisciplinaria de investigación with ISSN: 2550-6862 is an edited by Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Corporativo Edwards Deming (ISTUCED) - Quito - Ecuador. All the material submitted to the journal for publication and accepted by the Editorial Committee in attention to its quality and relevance is subjected to review by peer specialists in the corresponding fields of knowledge. Espirales. Revista multidisciplinaria de investigación is a scientific journal dedicated to the quarterly publication of articles of original research results in Spanish, English and Portuguese which covers a variety of topics related to several knowledge areas of the social sciences. The papers are published the first 5 days of the months of January, April, July, October

The journal does not maintain any charge for review, editing or publication processes and is indexed in.



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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2025): January - March

Published: 2025-01-30

Current Analysis of Monkeypox: Global Dynamics, Transmission, and Health Responses

Maika Koya Quinatoa Tamami, Sandy Guadalupe Fierro Vasco, Enma Verónica Quinatoa Chimborazo, Nuwa Mishell Quinatoa Tamami


Ergonomic factors and their relationship with musculoskeletal disorders in nursing personnel in Latin America

Ninfa Geovanna Yanez Barragan, Cynthia Elizabeth Pilco Toscano, Tania Elizabeth Arguello Quintana, Silvana Estefania Wilcaso Cando


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